10 days hiking around the Mont Blanc… 10 days of pure joy and pure pain, feeling strong and being pushed over my mental and physical limitations…The idea of 10 posts emerged to transfer learnings from hiking into our daily work-life enrichment.
Day 1 🌟 disconnect to be more connected🌟
🌟Allow yourself to be off-line from any devices and books from time to time – feel into the discomfort, the urge of wanting to connect, to not miss anything, to absorb more information….let it be…look around you…connect with yourself, your surroundings, the people around you…It can be for one day or more…try it out…give yourself the chance to feel this deeper connection which emerges…🌟When do you try it out? 🌟
🌟What could you get out of it? more connectivity and peace, more energy, more engagement and motivation – for & with yourself and others🌟
Let me know how you are connecting🌟
#empowerment #inspiration #connectionsmatter

Day 2 🌟 preparation is key🌟
🌟this is quite obvious, right? Be well prepared, prepare your presentation, meeting, conversation, move, party. What is less obvious is actually the most important: prepare YOURSELF🌟 It is essential to prepare our state of Being, our mental, emotional and physical states. To be at our best, to access our full resources and potential, we need to get into the mood, we need to get into it, we need to get prepared for and to it.
How do you prepare yourself? How do you prepare your mental, emotional and physical states for the new day, for the next meeting, for the online workshop, for the evening with your family?
I am curious to hear from you🌟
#inspiration #empowerment #energyboost

Day 3 🌟 define your intention🌟
🌟 set your goal, have clarity on the direction you want to go and define your intention🌟
This standard strategy in the business world is already being applied in other areas of our life. A key question is nevertheless: on which parameters are we setting goals and clarifying our direction? Intention is linked to our values, to what gives meaning to us, to all what make sense to us. Defining our #intention brings us closer to ourselves, to what really matters to us, to our purpose. Intention reflects a way of Being, the way we want to be in achieving our goal.
What is your intention?🌟
#intentions #empowerment #energyboost

Day 4 🌟 get your WHY clear🌟
🌟why is the WHY behind our intentions and actions so important? In clarifying what motivates us to set a direction, what thrives us to define an intention, we connect directly to our will power and to a very abundant state of Being. In knowing why we do or want to do something, our energy flows towards realizing this intention vs allowing our critics and doubts to take over. In getting our WHY clear, we can touch on endless resources to keep on working towards our intention even when facing our own disappointment, external adversity or obstacles.
What’s the why behind your intentions and actions?🌟
#intention #startwithwhy #empowerment #energyboost #startwhereyouare

Day 5 🌟 be open for obstacles🌟
🌟I love to see obstacles as the spices of our life which make it more tasteful, richer and colorful. Nevertheless, we might feel disappointment or discouragement when obstacles arise, when things are not going the way which we had planned, expected or wished. Here comes our openness and acceptance of the obstacles as a great support to jump over the hurdle and to still keep going. If we push against the obstacles, they might even get bigger and freeze us in our actions. If we take the obstacles with us, then we might even get stronger and have more energy to realize our intentions.
Which obstacles are you avoiding?🌟
#energyboost #energizeyourself #empoweryourself

Day 6 🌟the way is the goal🌟
🌟Hiking up and down day after day without knowing what each day will bring, which terrain we will pass, what weather will accompany us, which energy will be available in our own body and which strength of mind will be with us today.
Every day was surprisingly new, as every day always is in our life, isn’t it?
The way is the goal…enjoy each step, each moment as it never happened and will never happen in the future again in this very specific way…
The way is the goal…our way of Being in realizing our intention is perhaps more important than the goal which we achieve?
I believe so. Reaching the summit was an accomplishment that gave me a sense of satisfaction, but the deeper joy that I felt along with the hiking and growing in my daily life is from being on my way!!!
The more I can be present to the way, the more I can create it and enjoy it deeply…
How is it for you? 🌟
#energy #energyboost #inspiration #energizeyourself

Day 7 🌟 take a break🌟
🌟 We can become so obsessed to reach our goal, to move to the next project, to the next activity than we might forget to take a break. Why are breaks so important? I see two main benefits: 1) re-energize 2) enjoy the way whereas 2) contributes to 1) and vice versa😃. Taking a conscious break regularly and at least each 2hs gives us strength, fresh energy to flow towards our intention and our Beings.
Taking a break is so obvious and still how many breaks are you taking everyday?
Have you yet taken a break? 🌟
#energymanagement #energyboost #growth

Day 9 🌟 follower and leader🌟
🌟which role do you usually take? Are you a leader or a follower and do you keep this role in specific situations or with certain people? This is what we might do most of the time. I’d like to invite you to consider to shift back and forth between being a leader and a follower based on what is needed in the situation or in the team in a given moment.
What I have experienced on this hike is this constant shift with my partner and ultimately realizing that it doesn’t matter who is having each role, but rather that the non-spoken dynamic of this interplay to hike through our days, reach the summits, hike up and down difficult or easy terrains. The quality and rhythm of the interplay did make the quality of the achievement on the way.
How can you be leader and follower?🌟
#leadership #collaborativeleadership #team

Day 10 🌟 celebrate your achievements🌟
🌟yes, I make it! or didn’t make it! Celebrate yourself, your engagement and your own discipline and efforts. Celebrate each little step which you have taken towards your intention. Celebrate it even if it first seems so small, so unimportant, so useless. The celebration of each of our step is even more important than the celebration of the end goal achievement because 1) we simply don’t do it often 2) we miss the way😉.
What are you celebrating today?🌟
#energyboost #celebratesuccess #empowerment
🌟Like a good meal, inspiration nourishes us. Endless inspiration is constantly given to us. But are we open to it? In being aware at what inspires us, i.e. people, nature, places, books, movies, tedtalks, we can soak in and energize us.
Another interesting aspect which I’d like to open up is searching for inspiration in all we compare ourselves with or get envious of. This is a good way to gain energy instead of losing it.
What inspires you?🌟
#energy #energymanagement #inspiration #energyboost