Integral, sustainable and embodied Coaching Programs for Global Leaders

Do you want…

…to strengthen your executive presence & impactful communication?
…to increase your energy?
…to be engaged in your projects with more ease, joy and creativity?
…to find more meaning in what you do?
…to have more impact?
… your team and organisation to be more engaged and creative?

View my last webinar on Felt Leadership: Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
Check my next open workshops

coaching programs

virtual & in person – individual & learning circles – in French, English, German & Spanish


1-1 Coaching

individual & customised coaching programs


Learning Circles

together we grow stronger


Teams & Organizations

unfold inhouse potential

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Integrate simple, pragmatic and efficient tools into your daily life. Move step by step through the transition you are aiming for. Only in embodying the new possibilities, the results will be long-lasting and sustainable.

open new perspectives, Integrate new habits
enhance relationships
get Clarity of Mind-Body
unfold Leadership competencies

How can you embody the new possibilities?

Coaching is much more than getting new insights and achieving short term goals. With the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of our world (VUCA), it is essential for us to keep learning and developing as human beings. Coaching is a process of learning and unlearning, of opening new possibilities and embodying new habits and competencies. This will lead you to the desired goals in a long-lasting and sustainable manner.

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Happy Clients


Creative Projects



About ME

Enthusiastic. Inspiring. Dedicated.

Fabienne Cuisinier
Integral Coach for Global Leaders

Integral Coaching and Leadership Embodiment Coaching in Berlin and online coaching session
Fabienne Cuisinier
Integral Coach for Global Leaders


let us meet!


Write Ups. Poems. Photography

increase your energy and decrease your stress and anxiety

5 steps to FREE UP energy

Energy matters, not time.  Energy is vital for us to engage fully in our life, our job, our family, our projects. With more energy, we are efficient, high performant and we can lead our projects with ease, joy and creativity towards success! I am happy to share 5 pragmatic steps to embody intention into action and increase […]

increase my wellbeing


#feelgoodweek We can choose to #feelgood🙃 or to feel miserable😖 It is OUR choice Yes, we can practice 💪 What do you choose? I choose to #feelgood and spread it viral – so watch out every day this week for my #feelgood question of the day😀 #feelgoodmonday what made you smile today? I answer in […]

Fabienne Cuisinier hiking around the mont blanc

10 days hiking around the Mont Blanc – the learnings for daily work-life

10 days hiking around the Mont Blanc… 10 days of pure joy and pure pain, feeling strong and being pushed over my mental and physical limitations…The idea of 10 posts emerged to transfer learnings from hiking into our daily work-life enrichment. Day 1 🌟 disconnect to be more connected🌟 🌟Allow yourself to be off-line from […]

increase your creativity trust your intuition through leadership embodiment

Power Up!

Welcome at Power Up!#1 – a monthly inspiration for global leaders. In these unexpected and uncertain times in which we are all together worldwide, we all need good ‘food for thoughts’. Positive sources of inspiration and support are essential for our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.  I am starting this project with the intention to inspire and strengthen you with pics and […]

be more focus and attract what i want

How to transform Stress into Energy? way we sit and stand can change the way we think, feel and how others perceive us.In changing our body posture, we experience instant change in our perception of a given situation. Our thinking, feeling and sensing will shift. ‘Where our attention goes, our energy flows’ – AND here the lies the power in […]

tips for home office during corona

25 Tips for Home Office

For some of us, the home office working environment might be new and difficult. For me, it has been years of practice, love and hate, serenity and ‘it is never enough’, creativity and overwhelmed, connectivity and loneliness, high energy and demotivation. I am starting today this daily post with the intention to support you-us with […]

inspiration from Frederik Laloux

Listening in context of organization

As Frederick Laloux found from his researches published in his latest book ‚Reinventing Organizations’, the current trend in organizations is to move from a centrally run organization to empowering local groups in teaching them how to do and to make them autonomous. The success of those companies relies on self-management, wholeness and evolutionary purpose, he […]

Fabienne Cuisinier in Singapore

Why developmental integral coaching?

Why coaching? Why developmental Integral coaching? ‘Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day, show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime’   Chinese Proverb I have always enjoyed exploring the world, meeting different people, working with different cultures. I have moved over 15 times in […]

First Step Into Poetry by Fabienne Cuisinier

First Step Into Poetry

Poems and Photos by Fabienne Cuisinier Voici un extrait de mon premier livre de poèmes et de photos. Hier einen Auszug von meinem ersten Buch mit Gedichten und Bildern. Here an extract from my first poems and photos book. First Step Into Poetry – deep dive into the mystery of life – Extrait/Extract/Auszug Buch/Book/Livre: ISBN 9783739223391 […]

stress reduction

Start Where You Are

Start Where You Are Start where you are Where are you in your life? Who are you in your every day’s life? What do you stand for? What make you smile, feel happy? What gives you energy? What warm your hearth? What are you looking up? How connected are you To yourself? To your surroundings? […]

Einzigartigkeit, Individualität, Kreativität, Selbstvertrauen, Selbstbewusstsein

Being and Doing

Being & Doing How are you doing? How have you been doing? Have you been busy? I am busy, busy, busy… Those little sentences are being increasingly heard those days and some of us share of feeling overwhelmed in the Little Red Dot. I am inviting to shift towards the fundamental question: How are you? […]

Freedom, Freiheit, Hoffnung, Möglichkeit, Energie

Pure Joy

Pure Joy In search of happiness We loose the chance to feel joy To feel pure joy The bliss of life The creative power Embrace all your emotions The pleasurable ones and the unpleasant ones The desirable ones and the undesired ones Embrace what you experience in the moment Embrace the pains that might get […]

Ganzheitliches Coaching Fabienne Cuisinier

I am not good enough

Do you think so? Who think so? Yourself? Someone else? The others? About yourself? About themselves? About others? Are you familiar with this litte voice ? this persistent voice, this inner voice, the voice who knows you so well, who comes unexpectedly, who takes you by surprise ? Who’s this voice actually? Memories of childhood? Parent’s voice? […]

was macht mich glücklich?


One morning It seems That life’s events Are pressurising That too many topics are on the table That too many balls are being thrown in the air One day It seems That it is simply too much With a yearning to a peaceful day Without any to do list Some moments in life Are […]

Living in the moment

As Jason Mraz is singing Living in the moment Brings peace and joy In the moment, just right now Why to worry if we can just be And enjoy the flow of life Which is being brought to us In each single moment Our mind is wandering The past and the future And is missing […]

Fabienne Cuisinier in Singapore

Alles eine Frage der Energie

Alles eine Frage der Energie Wie viel Energie habe ich gerade? In welchen Projekten und Aktivitäten nutze ich meine Energie bzw. habe ich vor, diese Energie heute, in den nächsten Tagen, Wochen und Monaten einzusetzen? Was gibt mir Energie jeden Tag und allgemein in meinem Leben? Wie wäre es, wenn wir uns Menschen als Energie-Wesen […]

Innere Kraft, innere Ruhe, Innere Zufriendheit

Der Blick der Anderen

Der Blick der Anderen Warum ist es so wichtig für mich Was die Anderen über mich, Mein Leben, meine Tätigkeiten, Meine Ideen denken Wie wichtig ist es für Dich, dass Menschen um Dich herum, Dich mögen, es gut finden, was Du machst, was Du sagst? Wie wichtig ist es für Dich, dass Menschen in Deiner […]

Glücklich leben in Berlin

Starte wo Du bist

Starte wo Du bist   Wo stehst Du gerade in Deinem Leben?   Bist Du erfüllt, glücklich, ausgeglichen, gestresst, frustriert, überfordert? Hast Du den Eindruck Alles von Dir zu geben, Deine Potentiale auszuschöpfen, jeden Tag effizient zu gestalten oder limitiert zu sein, nicht genug zu machen, mehr zu wollen, nicht geschätzt zu sein?   Egal […]

meine Gefühle verstehen und kontrollieren


Herbst   Sonne, Regen Kälte Nächte Warme Tage Färbende Blätter   Natur in täglicher Veränderung In endloser Verwandlung   Welcher Einfluss hat dieser Wechsel auf mich wie ich mich fühle wie ich durch meinen Tag gehe worauf ich Lust und Launen habe worauf ich mich freuen kann was mich unzufrieden macht   Herbst ist die […]

Pure Joy, Pure Joie, Freude

Pure Joie

Pure Joie Dans notre quête du Bonheur Nous perdons la chance de trouver la joie De sentir la joie pure La félicité de la vie Le pouvoir créatif Embrasse toutes tes émotions Les agréables et les désagréables Les désirables et les indésirables Embrasse ce que tu expériences dans le présent Embrasse les douleurs qui peuvent […]

View All Posts

It was really new and pleasant experience to work with Fabienne. She is very professional and highly knowledgeable on professional development. Thanks to her help, I discovered the power of the emotional intelligence, self-awareness and self-management to develop myself as professional and human being.

Ivan Henriquez Testimonial
Iván Henríquez Pantaleón
Senior Infrastructure Advisor at UNOPS

Fabienne’s questionning  opens up truly new perspectives which would have otherwise no space to become possible. Her humorous, enjoyable and inspirational personality brings a nice twist to the coaching engagement!

Ramona Haas
Ramona Hass
Haufe Group, Team Lead Editorial Department

With her analytical, holistic and empathic approach she puts together tailor-made coaching programmes which get the ball rolling towards longterm and sustainable change. Many thanks for the inspirational and diligently prepared coaching sessions.

Sabrina Schwarz
Sabrina Schwarz
VP Marketing, KMW Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

What makes Fabienne a fantastic coach is her ability to genuinely adapt to my topics of choice.  The Leadership Embodiment method enabled me to better notice moments of stress in my daily life and use the awareness to relax myself again. Fabienne was the ideal sparring partner, giving me easy exercises to implement and consistently following-up on my own objectives.

Felix Prud'homme Testimonial
Felix Prud’homme
Fundraising Consultant

Fabienne cares and has tremendous ability to connect with people where they really are at, inspiring and nurturing them to move in a positive direction.

Ganzheitliches, Integrales, Business Coaching in Berlin
Susan GMW
Nursing Director

Some projects

Creative. Innovative. Empowering.

Leadership Embodiment Workshops

power pose the power of our body

Big Bloom-Hackathon for good-Learning better by doing good

Big Bloom learning better by doing good

6 months developmental coaching program

6 months team developmental coaching program


decrease and manage stress increase energy

Virtual Coaching

coaching online

Exhibitions – Poems and Photography

Fabienne Cuisinier exhibiting at Hochschule Harz in Wernigerode

Empowering Young Professionals

FEM Power Presentation Fabienne Cuisinier

My first Book published!

Fabienne Cuisinier launching first book in berlin first step into poetry deep dive into the mystery of life

Speaker at FEM Power

FEM Power Talk

Enneagram Interview

enneagram interview and introduction online session learn the enneagram in a pragmatic way

some references

humanitarian coaching network pro-bono coaching

coaching client

Power Up!

inspiration is a way to empower ourselves

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